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Listen for REAL

I'm Jen - a white, cisgendered, straight-identifying, American-born woman with a history of Christian and conservative influences. My lived experience is one of solid economic security and educational privilege. All of this shaped the lens through which I viewed life for the majority of my adult years - and it created a comfortable echo chamber where “my existing views were neatly reinforced and alternative ideas were rarely considered…”

This no longer works for me.

I decided to pursue meaningful work, passion projects, and relationships that would serve as "antidotes to the echo chamber." This podcast is part of that work. Rather than put people in stereotypical boxes - I want to grow more curious and open minded. This means listening deeply to another person’s perspective, especially those who differ from me. It means challenging my old paradigms and assumptions.

I pursue this on a public platform because I want to foster this mindset shift in our culture. My guests and I believe that conversations heard here will spur more healthy exchanges, marked by a spirit of inquiry with and for the people in our lives (especially those whom we don’t know or understand yet).

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Recent Episodes

Oct. 8, 2024

A different kind of matching platform: connecting sexual assault surv…

We got passionate and informed in this episode.I had the honor of hosting @TracyDeTomasi, CEO of Callisto, a survivor-founded nonprofit that has been able to create an encrypted platform allowing sexual assault survivors to find others harmed by the same …

Episode page
Oct. 1, 2024

No box can contain her! (And no box ever should)

Oh this conversation, EEEEEEK! Femily Howe joins me on the “couch” and we cover the best stuff - from unconventional relationships to gender equity at its creative and inclusive best in our corporate cultures. Add in a killer discussion on …

Episode page
Sept. 16, 2024

This is a FREE Woman: Trauma Healed Through Movement

This conversation was powerful and a testimony to what is possible! Jacia Kornwise shares parts of her compelling journey from victimhood to survivorship, illustrating the liberating tool of emotional and physical expression. Her energy, clarity, strength and ability to thrive …

Episode page
Aug. 12, 2024

Mom turned activist; how we right a wrong

I spoke with Lisa Howard because I recall making assumptions about “activists” in previous years, especially as it relates to climate change. Full disclosure, I KNEW NOTHING about the state of our planet or the climate and simply parroted what …

Episode page
July 29, 2024

Love stories without labels

I am upping the ante on REAL conversations as I sit down with my close friends, Jill Osur and Lisa Orrell. Jill and Lisa's not-so-random meeting led to a partnership that's as dynamic as it is loving. Their relationship teaches …

Episode page
July 15, 2024

Soulgasm? I’ll have what she’s having

I am doing my level best to get out of my head and connect more deeply with my soul and this conversation with Michal Spiegelman was right on time (aren’t all REAL conversations that way?) Michal is a master at …

Episode page
July 2, 2024

Straight talk beyond gender transition

My preconceived notions on the gender transition experience got BLOWN UP thanks to this conversation with Andrea Leigh - a powerful woman of influence straight outta Oklahoma - with an affinity for fashion, tattoos, sports cars, Harleys and guns. Andrea …

Episode page
June 17, 2024

The non-negotiables of divorce, kids, and our emotional healing

I invited Poonan Bhuchar on the pod because I believed her lived experience of marriage, divorce, and career differed from mine and would expand my perspective. Well...Poonan did teach me a great deal - but ultimately, we are more stunningly …

Episode page
June 3, 2024

How do we name this episode??? And other questions about touch.

This conversation was a little edgy, but so illuminating for me. I connect with Jaclyn Foster, the insightful author of "I Touch Myself" and we navigate awkward waters with laughter and REAL talk. There is more to consider with the …

Episode page
May 20, 2024

Am I allowed to call you disabled? And other confusing questions…

A REAL conversation with Alycia Anderson - a wheelchair user who responds with candor to discriminatory assumptions and uncomfortable conversations that happen in her presence or after she has rolled away.

Episode page
May 6, 2024

When Motherhood Looks (and feels) Different

I learned so much during this conversation with Emelda De Coteau. Our motherhood journeys look very different - as we talk about the emotional terrain of raising a child with unique needs. Tears were definitely shed in this episode; Emelda …

Episode page
April 22, 2024

Sisterhood: We are Stronger as a Collective!

I am back with the insightful Christie Watrous for a heartfelt conversation on the intricacies of sisterhood. We get REAL about the social conditioning that often pits women against each other and share our own journeys toward meaningful connections. Christie …

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