Welcome to our new website!

Allison Carver

CEO/Sex Coach/Wife/Mom/Friend

I am certified Life/Mastery/ Sensuality Coach, after 15 years of coaching in one form or another I am now focusing 100% on education women of all ages about their personal sexuality. "It's not about age it's about where you are on your self discovery journey".
I have been married for 23 yrs to my best friend and had what I thought was a "good sex life" w my husband until I took a deep dive in to my own personal sexuality and what I learn about myself, stored old limiting beliefs, micro traumas and stories I was telling myself that were keeping me back from actually receiving pleasure fully was MIND BLOWING.
Discovering and learning about my body has completely transformed my whole life 100000%.
Which is why I am so passionate to share my stories and help/support/ teach other women. We have been kept in the dark about our bodies for far too long.
"Take my hand and will guide you to the light of pleasure."