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Emelda De Coteau

Emelda De Coteau Profile Photo

Founder of When Motherhood Looks Different, LLC and certified mindfulness coach

Emelda Juanita De Coteau is a loving wife, mama, creative (writer, podcaster, spiritual activist / organizer), and believer seeking God anew in each moment. Although based in Baltimore, this daughter of a Honduran immigrant feels at home throughout the world. She leads Pray with Our Feet (PWF), an online community lifting the intersection of progressive Christian faith and social justice; she co-hosts the PWF podcast with her Mom, Trudy.

She is also the founder of When Motherhood Looks Different, a community-based small business helping Mamas of neurodivergent kids and Moms with chronic illness center well-being and connect in community by offering events, resources, support and mindfulness coaching. Emelda is a certified mindfulness coach and trauma informed mindfulness facilitator.